One of the many [;-)] good things about me...

I used the word 'many' 'coz if I don't use that, it looks like there are more bad things about me than the good ones... ;-) Anyways, that good thing about which I wanted to write here is that I am self-dependent. I mostly try to avoid asking for others' help. I agree that it's almost impossible to move on in life without taking others' help but what I want to say is I try to do anything possible to the best of my abilities.

As usual, like frills attached to an offer, this attitude of mine has got a negative effect which is disliking it when people ask me for help for silly things, which I feel they could do by themselves. Nevertheless, I never show it outside, it's just my inner feeling and I will still offer my help! But again, giving this a thought, as many other things in life, this can also be subjective in nature. What I am trying to say is though the help I am asked seems to be an easy task to me, might not be really a feasible thing for them.

Finally, I conclude it here with this note - It is a good nature to try to do things to the best of one's own, and at the same time, helping others without any qualms!


posted by Kiran at 1:05 PM on Friday, May 9, 2008 under


Stop lying, Stupid!

I am talking about some of my own friends, whom I trust very much! I found them lying often and being dishonest! What makes one lie so often?

I know it is completely subjective theory here. But, I always believe, "Be truthful as much as you can and you will come out as a winner!" As far as I know, when someone acts dishonest towards another, there will be some guilty feeling lingering in the mind, but if you act honest and be truthful, you will be set free from that unwanted burden on your heart! Of course, as for every theorem, this has also got its own limitations. When you think if the truth results in nothing other than hurting one's feelings, it is wise to lie. But, except in these kind of limited circumstances, it is always good to be truthful and honest! So, I advise people who lie often to at least try avoiding that dangerous vice!


posted by Kiran at 10:54 PM on Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The best procrastinator award goes to...

Me! Yes, I am the best procrastinator as far as I know! I know it's not good, but it has become my wont that I postpone things to the verge of the deadline, if one exits! I am trying to avoid that vice!


posted by Kiran at 12:36 AM on Sunday, May 4, 2008 under

